Resistance To Ruin – Lithic Encounters

Spaces of geological and ecological enmeshment

"Have you ever noticed that the wild, or wilderness is always elsewhere?"

Resistance To Ruin – Lithic Encounters


Have you ever noticed that the wild, or wilderness is always elsewhere? Another place, primordial forest, wild savanna, desert, mountain range unspoiled by the human, thriving elsewhere? Yet even a cursory investigation of dirt and crack reveals a complex biome of insistent thriving below our feet, bringing wilderness into the current urban landscape. This project investigates sites of decay on and around the Witwatersrand Ridge as spaces of geological and ecological enmeshment, where stoney matter presents a lively subversive material agency, intertwining with modern stoney materials, and other nonhuman agents. In this project, the writing and visual essays attempt to give voice to the stoney matter of urban spaces which we have rendered as terra nullius by narrating open urban space as wasteland. Resistance and Ruin attempts to engage the online reader in a multi-sensory experience of walking, being and becoming enmeshed in the weather worlds of stone.

Launch Project


